How does the child's diarrhea go? This diarrhea is more common in children aged 0-5!

 This disease, which we know as acute diarrhea, targets children aged 0-5 in particular, and we have brought together what families should know about child diarrhea.

child diarrhea

Especially acute diarrhea is a more common disease in children aged 0-5 years. Here's what you need to know about children's diarrhea.

For the treatment of diarrhea, which is a very common health problem in children, first of all, a doctor should be consulted and it should be investigated whether there is another underlying health problem. Acute diarrhea is frequently encountered in children aged 0-5 years.

If Your Child Has Vomiting and Fever...

Diarrhea is an increase in the number of stools and a softening of the stool consistency. Since diarrhea will result in fluid loss in the body, it can be life-threatening, especially in infants and young children. The main symptoms of dehydration are dry mouth and tongue, feeling thirsty, inclination to sleep, decrease in tears, collapse of eyeballs, rapid heart rate, coldness in hands and feet, decrease in urine amount, increase in respiratory rate and absent-mindedness. If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting and fever, a doctor should be consulted immediately as this will increase fluid loss.

How to Eat to Overcome Diarrhea in Children?

The basic principle of treatment is to replace lost fluid and electrolytes. If the child does not vomit, if the fluid loss is mild or moderate, he should be provided with plenty of fluids. Oral replacement fluids can be used for this purpose. It is recommended to give powders containing probiotics that regulate intestinal flora. Diarrhea drugs should never be used. In viral diarrhea, the disease goes away on its own. Antibiotics are used for bacterial and parasitic diarrhea. Fat-free foods should be taken until diarrhea resolves. Peach and banana as fruit; From solid foods, lean pasta and rice pilaf, boiled potatoes and mashed potatoes, boiled lean meat and chicken can be eaten. In cases where fluid loss in the body is severe or the child cannot take fluid due to vomiting, treatment should be done by hospitalization.

Don't Stop Breast Milk!

Babies who are breastfed are more resistant to infections that cause diarrhea due to the substances in breast milk and recover more quickly than those who do not receive breast milk. For this reason, breast milk should not be stopped in diarrhea and breastfeeding should be continued frequently. To prevent diarrhea, hands should be washed frequently, water and bottles should be boiled in babies who eat formula, tap water and water of unknown origin should not be consumed, raw vegetables and fruits should be washed thoroughly, foods should be stored in the refrigerator, contact with individuals with diarrhea and using the same items should be avoided.

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