Tom Cruise sends 300 cakes to Mission: Impossible 7 crew by private jet

 Tom Cruise delivered 300 Christmas cakes he had made in the USA to the set workers in England, who took part in his latest movie Mission: Impossible 7, on his private jet.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise sent Mission Impossible's crew in the UK 300 Christmas cakes from his favorite bakery in the US.

The 59-year-old American actress delivered the white chocolate and coconut cakes, which she had made by paying thousands of dollars from her favorite patisserie in Los Angeles, to those involved in the shooting of her latest film, on her private jet.

Tom Cruise


A source told The Sun, “Tom wanted to give the Mission Impossible team a Christmas treat, so he decided to send a cake from his favorite bakery in Los Angeles. He had 300 cakes made and sent them to England with his private jet.”

Tom Cruise


The same source stated that he found this gesture "inconsiderate", adding that the Top Gun star was "an extremely generous person" and wanted to do something special for the people who helped make the film.

Tom Cruise


The set of Mission: Impossible 7 (Mission: Impossible 7) was postponed many times due to the Covid-19 outbreak, and the filming was finished in September at the end of 18 months.

On the set of Mission: Impossible 7, Tom Cruise was on the agenda with the audio recording that he cursed the set workers who did not comply with the Covid-19 rules and threatened to fire them.

Tom Cruise

In the audio recording released by The Sun, Tom Cruise, who was also the producer of the film, could be heard swearing several times and yelling at the set workers. Allegedly, Cruise cried out in anger when he saw two set workers working very closely together in front of a computer monitor. On audio, Cruise could be heard saying, "If you do that again, you'll get the hell out of here. The producers and insurance companies have come back to Hollywood for us, and we're filming here. They believe us, but look what you did."

Tom Cruise


The Hollywood star, who re-uploaded to the set workers who wanted to apologize after the incident, said, "We are providing thousands of new job opportunities here. I'm sorry, but I do not accept your apology. Tell this to people who lost their homes because the industry closed. Apologizing does not bring food to these people's tables or cover their university expenses. I sleep with this fact every night. I think the future of this industry," he said, adding swear words.

After the audio recordings were released, Cruise told Empire Magazine, "I said what I had to say. There was much at stake at that point. But this attitude was not for my entire team. That crew left the set, it was just some chosen people,” he said.

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