What is Rose Disease (Rosacea)? What are the symptoms?



What is rosacea? What are the symptoms and how does it go? We answer the most frequently asked questions in this article!

Rosacea, popularly known as "Rose Disease", is a skin disease that manifests itself with redness, hot flashes, pimple-like blisters and superficial vascular enlargement, appearing around the cheeks and nose of the face. In this article, we answer frequently asked questions such as what causes rosacea, what are the symptoms of rosacea and how does it pass!


What is Rose Disease? Why does it happen?

Rose disease, whose medical name is rosacea, is a skin disease that occurs on the cheeks and around the nose. It occurs in the form of inflammatory rashes, hot flashes, acne-like blisters, and vascular enlargement and causes complaints such as burning, stinging, tenderness and edema on the skin. The cheeks and nose of someone with rosacea often appear flushed.

So what causes rosacea, the rose disease? Rose disease is usually more common in women in their 30s. Although it is less common in men, the course of the condition may be more severe. Although the cause of rosacea, which is more common and chronic in fair-skinned people, cannot be fully explained, the following reasons are considered:

Immune or digestive system disorders
genetic factors
UV rays
Consumption of alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, very fatty and spicy food
Very hot food and drinks
Being in very hot or very cold environments

What are the symptoms of Rose Disease?


Rose disease usually starts as a rash around the cheeks and nose. Over time, it can turn into inflamed acne-like bumps and vasodilation. It is usually accompanied by hot flashes, burning, stinging and itching. When rosacea progresses, an enlargement of the nose or chin, called edema or fima, may also occur.

Although moisturizers used to relieve redness seem to work at first, the redness may become permanent after a while and symptoms such as burning and stinging on the skin begin to appear. Sometimes it can take a few days for the redness to go away. In the following period, redness increases and swelling begins to appear. Painful nodules and fima (edema) may also be seen in advanced stages.

How does the Rose Disease end?


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