11 signs of illness that you should definitely go to the doctor for

 Listen well to the signals your body gives from your eyes to your feet. Here are 11 conditions and possible diseases that you should definitely see a doctor for.


You take your car for maintenance every year, but do you take your own health as seriously as the maintenance of your car? According to recent studies, 50 percent of people with health concerns prefer not to go to the doctor. However, be warned, changes such as unexplained weight loss, extreme tiredness, and bleeding are serious signals that tell you to go to the doctor. Therefore, be sure to observe and listen to your body!

In our news, we have compiled 11 points that you should pay special attention to when checking your body for you, the readers of Elmaelma.com. Here are 11 signs that will tell you you 'must go to the doctor'...


Make sure to check how your brain works by doing simple exercises. The best way to do this is to put your cell phone aside. For example, try to memorize phone numbers, maps, directions. Try solving a sudoku puzzle. If you are easily distracted while solving puzzles, know that you should stay away from technology. Engage in activities that will rejuvenate your brain, such as reading a book.


Always remember that one out of every 10 women has anemia. Therefore, pull your lower eyelid down and check if the tissue under your pupil is pale or shiny. If you see yellow colors in detention, you may be experiencing liver disease and you should definitely see a specialist. High blood pressure, diabetes, and some cancers may also show up during eye checkups.


The tongue is one of the first organs to signal when you have a health problem. Therefore, it must be checked regularly. Check your tongue while brushing your teeth every day. An extremely red tongue can be a sign of B12 deficiency. A black and hairy-looking tongue indicates the high amount of bacteria in the mouth and deterioration in dental hygiene.


Did you know that as we age or experience hormonal changes, the shape and size of our feet change? Checking your feet regularly also makes it easier to take action against changes. For example, insoles and support products. Keep track of the way your feet look and feel in shoes. If you think there is a problem, make sure to measure your feet.


If you have a job where you stand or sit all day, you are likely to have varicose veins. Also, if pregnancy, smoking and extra pounds are added to this, varicose veins can bother you very much. You can see and feel the varicose-prone veins by hand. They often cause pain and itching. Make sure to check regularly in front of the mirror. For vascular structures that do not look normal, go to the doctor without wasting time.


Be mindful of the way your belly looks and feels. This can be very vital, especially as you get older. A new sensation of pain, bloating, persistent constipation and diarrhea can be a sign of many ailments, from cancer to heart and liver disease. Measure your waist circumference regularly. Take sudden and unexplained weight changes seriously and make sure your stool looks normal.


If you are a person who uses nail polish all the time, you may be missing the signals your nails give you. For this reason, leave your nails without nail polish every few weeks and examine their appearance. If there is a permanent deterioration in the yellow color, be sure to see a doctor. Deterioration in nails can be a sign of many diseases, from fungal infections, psoriasis, thyroid disorder to diabetes. Brittle and pale nails can also be a sign of nutrient deficiency. Adding fruits and vegetables to your daily diet, eating a balanced diet and multivitamin supplements can help overcome the problem.


An average of 3,000 women a year are diagnosed with cervical cancer. The simplest way to avoid this is to give a smear test. Women aged 25 to 49 should continue the smear test every three years, and women aged 50 to 64 should have it repeated every five years. Consult your doctor if you experience abnormal bleeding during or after sex. Other symptoms include unusual vaginal discharge, discomfort or pain during sex, and lower back pain.


It is very important to check your breasts regularly for breast cancer. You can do this in the mirror, in the shower, while lying in bed, and with help from your partner. Get to know your breasts and find out what is normal for you. This will definitely allow you to notice possible changes. Look out for curvature, dimpling, changes in skin texture, swelling, thickening sensation, persistent pain in the armpit. Look for nipple discharge and redness or crusting on or near the nipple.


Women often feel heart disease in the form of nausea. Unlike men, they may not experience chest pain. The pain may be more in the shoulder and neck. If you are experiencing such problems, be sure to have your blood pressure checked. If you are under 40, get a good heart health screening every 5 years. If you are over 40, increase blood pressure checks.


Take any suspicious changes in your skin seriously. Be sure to examine your skin after bathing. Because it is important to be aware of the changes. Take your moles that change in shape, size, and color seriously. Itching and bleeding symptoms are conditions that you should definitely see a doctor.


The next item is vital for men. Gentlemen should definitely check the appearance of their testicles against testicular cancer. Early diagnosis saves lives in testicular cancer, which has doubled in the last 50 years. Testicular control works best in a hot shower. If the differences in the appearance and size of your testicles under the influence of heat are not normal, you should definitely see a specialist. At the same time, be mindful of stiffness and swelling.

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