What are the foods that cause urinary incontinence?

 Urinary incontinence can be caused by many reasons. Although women face such problems after a certain age, these foods trigger them!

urinary incontinence

For those who have urinary incontinence or do not want to face such problems in the future, we will talk about some foods consumed in daily life. Although we cannot remove these foods from our lives, we should be careful when consuming them! Here are those foods that support urinary incontinence problems...

Tomatoes: Studies show that tomatoes irritate the bladder. People who are particularly sensitive to tomatoes, which is an acidic food that can increase overactive bladder complaints, should stay away.

Coffee and tea: Caffeine in coffee and tea can increase bladder activity. Coffee and tea, which cause frequent urination, can also exacerbate symptoms. Reducing or eliminating caffeine intake or switching to decaffeinated varieties may reduce symptoms.

Chocolate: Like coffee and tea, chocolate contains some caffeine. Trying mostly white chocolate without caffeine or dark chocolate with more cocoa can reduce the problem.

Oranges, lemons and grapefruit: Like tomatoes, oranges, lemons and grapefruit contain high amounts of citric acid. Instead of these fruits, which make bladder control difficult, foods such as apples and bananas containing less citric acid should be preferred.

Carbonated drinks: The fizz found in carbonated drinks can potentially aggravate overactive bladder symptoms. Particular attention should be paid to the consumption of fruit soda and energy drinks.

Spicy foods: Foods that water the eyes and burn the lips can also disturb the bladder. Staying away from spicy and bitter foods can help reduce the problems experienced.

Sweeteners: Studies have shown that artificial and natural sweeteners can increase active bladder problems. Instead of cutting out sugar completely, its effect on complaints should be controlled by limiting it to the diet.

Processed foods: Processed foods; Since it contains many artificial ingredients such as flavors and preservatives, it can increase complaints.

Onions: As with spicy and acidic foods, onion consumption can cause bladder problems. Especially raw onion consumption can increase the urge to urinate. In order to reduce the negative effect on the bladder, it is healthier to consume the onion by cooking.

Cranberries: Many people claim that cranberry juice relieves symptoms of urinary tract infections. However, as an acidic fruit, cranberry, tomato, lemon, orange and grapefruit can irritate the bladder.

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