Japanese scientists develop vaccine that destroys cells that cause aging

 Scientists in Japan have developed a vaccine that can eliminate "zombie cells" that cause diabetes, atherosclerosis and aging. Experiments in mice showed that aging was significantly delayed in vaccinated animals. Experts defined the "youth vaccine" as a turning point that could affect the life span of humanity.


Japanese scientists have developed a new vaccine that they claim can eliminate "zombie cells" associated with aging and various diseases.

Professor at Juntendo University Dr. The research team behind the vaccine, led by Toru Minamino, has published the results of their work in the journal Nature Aging.


Mice that received the vaccine showed reduced levels of senescent cells, also known as "zombie cells," which accumulate with age and are associated with conditions such as arthritis and atherosclerosis, The Japan Times reported.

"We can expect the vaccine to be applied in the treatment of atherosclerosis, diabetes, and other diseases related to aging," Minamino wrote.


However, zombie cells are also defined as cells that stop dividing over time but do not die. However, as these cells begin to release harmful chemicals over time, they damage healthy cells and cause inflammation.

However, Jap scientists reported that the vaccine they developed creates antibodies that attach themselves to senescent cells and allow them to be removed by white blood cells.

The study found that vaccinated mice developed senescence-related cells at a slower rate than unvaccinated mice. In addition, the team explained that the new vaccine has fewer negative side effects and lasts longer than currently available anti-aging cell treatments.

On the other hand, anti-aging treatments and solutions continue to be a great pursuit for scientists. These apps often attract large investors eager to slow the aging process and fight the diseases associated with it.


Nir Barzilai, founding director of the Institute for Aging Research at Yeshiva University Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the USA, told Newsweek, "You don't know how many people are willing to spend money for longevity. It's a billion-dollar market."

Research published by the US-based company Alkahest from 2011 to 2014 found that blood from young mice had significant positive effects on brain health when given to older mice. Since then, researchers have identified about 8,000 proteins in the blood that could be used in anti-aging treatments.

On the other hand, some scientists hypothesized that age-related diseases were the natural result of advances in science and medicine that allowed people to extend their life expectancy over the course of a century.

Gerard Karsenty, head of the Department of Genetics and Development at Columbia University Medical Center, said, "If you put this study into an evolutionary perspective, we shouldn't have lived that long. Aging is an invention of humanity. No other animal species has been able to deceive its own body, nature, except human beings. Elephants can live 100 years, but one "They lived 100 million years ago. People overpowered their own bodies," he said.

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